How to Turn Words Into Money For Your Business

Lots of Australian 100 Dollar Notes

Writing for your business doesn’t have to be difficult or dry as some people think. Far from it! Rather you just need a few good strategies and you’ve on your way to creating world-class content that converts and turns readers into customers and clients for your business. This blog gives you five incredibly powerful strategies to help you create amazing content that converts.

What is Business Writing?

Business writing as the name implies is writing you do to promote your business. It is usually done by a copywriter. There are two types of business writing: B2B writing which is writing for business to business. This writing can take the form of articles, blogs, emails, white papers, etc. Its writing used by companies to sell to other companies.  

Your readers are businesses. Whereas with B2C writing your writing to consumers who are your buyers and readers. Both B2B and B2C writing have similar objectives: increase brand awareness, get leads and sales, etc.

B2B writing is at a higher level than B2C as it has more moving parts and involves more research. It forms a core part of B2B marketing for a business. Whether you are a B2B or B2C writing well is crucial for your business in this digital age.

Now with so much AI content readers want real and authentic writing written by humans for humans. This will always win over AI content!

Who Should Write Your Business Copywriting?

When it comes to writing for your business, we say there are just two options. One is to look for someone within your business to do your copywriting. The second option is to hire someone outside of your business to create your copywriting.

Both options have their pros and cons which we have highlighted below for you. So please consider these carefully before making your decision.

Note - We have excluded AI because we believe AI should only be used as a research tool not to do your writing. Here at WORD EMPIRE, we use AI only to conduct research. All content, copy, SEO, and marketing are done using our brains which sometimes could do with more coffee!

Pros of Hiring Within

Cons of Hiring Within

Pros of Hiring a External Party

Cons of Hiring a External Party

You know them

Don’t have a real understanding of the business landscape or the art of writing for a business.

They are the experts and understand the copywriting and business inside out.

You need to give control of the process to them.

Often come at a cheaper rate

Biases can easily form if they don’t have an objective view.

More expensive initially but the investment pays off.

If on a tight budget not the best for expenses and your cashflow.


Insider Tip -  Along with AI avoid platforms like Fiverr and Upwork as despite the lure of the cheap prices you pay for what you get. Not only this but the person can disappear midway on you. If you are on a tight budget, do some DIY copywriting for your business. Once cashflow is better invest in a professional to do it. Its like with building a website. When you’re starting out its okay to build it yourself on a platform like Wix but as your business evolves you need to upgrade and invest in good web development.

5 Techniques for Business Copywriting That Converts

These five techniques for business writing that converts have several components to them but are all highly practical and actionable for you to start to implement. They should also be incorporated into your overall marketing strategy if you haven’t already done so.

Just like with all tips, you must implement them consistently or else they are of no use. Consistency is what wins in business and in writing too.

1. Understand Your Audience and Their Problems

In this day and age we have so much data and information available at our fingertips on our audience (eg: customer insights, demographics, psychographics & more). But despite this there are still many brands that are not utilising this to its full advantage. These brands just make it about themselves: their needs, their wants etc and so don’t take enough time to really know and understand their audience. So, there’s two components here: knowing and understanding your audience. Let’s break these down here for you:

  • Get granular and know exactly who your targeting, who you’re selling to by understanding everyone in the business from the CEO to the CMO and others and the key people who will make the buying decisions. Ensure all your content is targeted to these people.
  • Understand both the demographics and psychographics of these people. Do a big brainstorming session and write it out, use a whiteboard, do a mind map etc.
  • Conduct polls and surveys, speak to your clients directly and ask your clients directly what it is they need and how you can help them better. If you make the time for them, they will make the time for you.
  • Understand their problems, their pain points. What’s frustrating them? What keeps them up at night? Who isn’t hearing them? What’s their void? How can you fill that void with your solution (product or service)? Remember all businesses exist to solve a problem. You solve it through offering a great solution.

Insider Tip - Study Walt Disney. Walt knew his audience and understood their needs, desires & frustrations. He would often disguise himself as a member of the public and attend Disney World to observe and learn what people were saying about the rides and the overall experience. Now that’s clever market research!

2. Create Solution-Based Content for your Business

If business is about solving a problem and offering a solution to that problem, then its logical to incorporate your solution (product or service) into your content. This doesn’t mean to get spammy and just create content that screams BUY FROM ME! BUY FROM ME!. People hate being sold too so please avoid this. The end goal is to sell of course, but you need to do it in a discreet and indirect way. This is what content marketing is all about. Traditional marketing is more direct and about selling. Whereas content marketing is about building trust and rapport first with audiences through providing valuable and educational content and then asking for the sell.

Insider Tip - Thought leader and entrepreneur Gary Vee uses the following content marketing formula: Give, Give, Give & then Ask. Give away free content (blog post, newsletter, etc) three times and on the fourth time ask for the sale.

3. Leverage the Power of Storytelling

We hear more and more about the power of storytelling in marketing and in business that it’s become a bit of a buzzword. But long before it was a buzzword and marketers were using it, storytelling was already being used. In fact, its ancient and goes back to our ancestors around the campfire. Humans are natural story tellers, and every brand has a story to tell.  Bot not every brand is telling their story or telling it correctly to bring in more customers. Leverage the power of storytelling by showcasing your personal history, your wins and losses, and other people’s stories that are relevant to your message.

Story should come before your solution.  When done well storytelling enables you to connect with your audience on a more authentic and human level which is what people want especially in B2B but also in B2C.

4. Use Data to Prove Your Points for your Business (without being dull)

Data doesn’t have to be dull but unfortunately a lot the time it is dull as far too many brands in our experience still don’t know how to properly use it. Using data to prove your points isn’t simply copying and pasting data from your excel spreadsheet or Google Analytics and putting it into your content. This makes for dull content. Instead do the following and transform your relationship with data for the better:

  • Understand first both the quantitative and qualitive side to data. Get data literate or get someone that understands data.
  • Form this know where the gaps are (where you need to improve) and create compelling and engaging content on this.
  • See where the wins are with the existing data and rinse and repeat.
  • Incorporate relevant data into a chart of some sort for a white paper or industry related publication.
  • Create eye catching infographics that showcase data like stats and figures.

5. Don’t Forget The User Experience and SEO for Your Business

In this day and age every business creating content online needs to have a solid understanding of UX which is crucial for a good user experience along with SEO. You must familiarize yourself with UX and SEO to succeed in the online space as a business. There is no room for ignorance where the excuse is “I’m busy running my business, so I don’t have time for this.” Make the time and even just do a quick online course. Go on YouTube as well and then hire a professional that excels in these fields to help grow and expand your business. On your side, as a business owner learn the basics like:

  • Basic Keyword research (pen and paper will do)
  • Basic topic research (things to write about that appeal to your audience)
  • A good and functional website that is well built, has great content, and is optimised for seo

Need Help Creating Writing for Your Business?

We know there’s a lot to consider when it comes to writing for your business. That’s why you focus on running your business while we focus on what we do best: creating words that convert and turn into money for businesses. Book a Time with WORD EMPIRE Today to see how we can scale your brand with words that sell.

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