Hiring a Copywriter For Your Business: Five Things To Look For

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Marketing and promoting your business is a must but it’s not easy doing it on your own especially when it comes to content in this AI- saturated world.  That’s where hiring a copywriter for your business comes in handy. Read our guide that tells you the five crucial things to look for.

Working with a Content Business to Take Care of Your Content

See a content business as having a supportive partner on board that's genuinely interested in getting you results and a high ROI for your brand. The right copywriter and content creator can give you the expertise, inspiration, and insight you need to achieve your business goals and grow your brand.

Many brands both B2B and B2C keep doing the same strategy which is often not effective and gets them the same results. Bringing in a copywriter and content creator who understands business can see things much more objectively and so can:

  • point out flaws
  • suggest improvements
  • offer new strategies
  • come up with new ideas
  • craft copy and content
  • And more

Figure Out First your Brand’s Marketing Requirements

Before you hire a copywriter and content creator for your business you should figure out first your marketing requirements. Get your team together or just yourself if you’re a one-person team and establish what your goals and objectives are for your business at least for the next six to twelve months.

Doing so will enable you to have a target to aim for. Your copywriter and content creator will have more clarity on their end which results in them being able to help you more. Have a think about the following:

  • Your content needs: video, social media, blog posts, eDMs, etc
  • Your SEO and analytics
  • Design and development: website design, user experience, etc
  • Your target audience and market reach
  • Your budget for marketing and content creation

A Copywriter that Walks Their Talk: They Have Great Results!

You wouldn’t go to a personal trainer that was unfit and had poor results, would you? At least we hope not. You would want to see proof that they are getting results for their clients. They walk their talk! The same principle applies here to hiring a copywriter and content creator.

If they are not getting results for their clients, why would you go through them?  It would be a total waste of your time and money. To determine if they walk their talk and have great results, we recommend the following:

  • Look at their case studies. Who have some of their clients been? What results have they gotten for them? What’s their reputation? Reach out to the clients and ask directly.
  • Look at their overall social proof – what are others saying about them? Check out their testimonials, online reviews, feedback, etc.
  • Remember as a client you have the right to ask them to show you samples of work they have done, and results achieved. You can also ask them what their conversion rates are.
  • Look at what marketing results they are getting for themselves. For instance, if you need help with running a blog, how do they run their blog? What you see tells you a lot.

A Content Business with Great Systems in Place

A good content marketing business will have great systems in place that allow them to be organised and on track to get you great results. They should talk you through the process of how they will work with you. There should be 100% transparency so no guessing or worrying on your end.

You know exactly the why, the who, the what, when, and even the how. If these are not clear you can easily feel neglected which you want to avoid. To determine if they have good systems in place, we recommend you ask them the following questions:

  1. Who will be my point of contact?
  2. How much work is produced by you versus outsourcing?
  3. What does your process look like?
  4. What’s the best way to communicate?
  5. What materials do you need from us?
  6. What are common roadblocks and obstacles to avoid?
  7. How can we help on our side to make things go smooth?

A Content Business with Demonstrated Expertise and knowledge

Along with demonstrating real results, a copywriting and content business should be able to demonstrate expertise and knowledge in the areas they work in. For instance, if they specialise in B2B content marketing then they should be able to show expertise and knowledge of this industry. 

It should be clear on their website and all their marketing. To help you determine if they have expertise and knowledge, we recommend the following:

  • Review content they produce on their website, social media, and even any eBooks and other marketing materials. Does it reflect expertise and knowledge of the area?
  • Study the people behind the business. What are their credentials, background, overall reputation, etc?
  • Are some of the team members thought leaders or even thought contributors in their field? Do they participate in industry discussions, events, publish books, appear in podcasts, etc?

A Content Business that Offers Amazing Customer Service

In this digital era customer service is still important in fact more important than ever in this age of AI as people crave that human touch. So when hiring a copywriter for your business keep this in mind. Do they have that personal touch? Are they a geniunely nice person who takes the time to understand you and your business?

It’s these types of attributes that enable true collaboration, long-term relationship building and, adding value to your brand. To help you determine if they meet this and are the right fit for you, we recommend the following:

  • Establish what they are like from the first point of contact. This tells you so much. What vibe and overall feeling do you get when calling or just reaching out via email?
  • See if they actually care about your brand or are they more into the one-size-fits-all approach.
  • See if money comes up early on in the conversation. It should be more about how they will help you. Money should come later.

A Business that’s Open to Feedback

Never work with a copywriter or content business that isn’t open to feedback. This is a red flag! A good copywriter and content business should endorse feedback even if they don’t accept it. They should still listen to what you have to say.

Feedback enables good long-term relationship building and fosters trust. To help you determine if they are indeed open to feedback, we recommend the following:

  • Ask them what they do to stay ahead and stay relevant in the industry
  • Ask their opinion on emerging trends in business, marketing, content, etc.  
  • Get their feedback on other thought leaders in the industry including possible competitors
  • Give them feedback as soon as work commences and see how they react and what they do

The right copywriter and content creator can help generate millions of dollars in revenue for your brand. But you must choose carefully. Book a time with WORD EMPIRE® and see for yourself how we can help increase your revenue and overall ROI for your business.

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