Five Essential Strategies For Your LinkedIn B2B Marketing

African American Girl In Corporate Attire Holding A Tablet Promoting LinkedIn B2B Marketing

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform and so is a powerful business tool especially for B2B when it comes to leads. Find out the five essential strategies of LinkedIn B2B marketing in 2024 that yield a high ROI.

1. Use the Objective- Based Advertising Feature in Campaign Manager

Back in 2019, LinkedIn launched its Objective-Based Advertising in Campaign Manager. This is designed to make it easier for marketers to create and measure campaigns. So, it’s a great tool for B2B marketing. It all begins with first knowing your objectives. That is getting clear on what your goals are for your marketing campaigns:

  • lead generation
  • website traffic
  • increased brand awareness
  • clicks per campaign
  • New sign-ups/ subscribers
  • or a combination of these and others

Campaign Manager helps you customise your campaign creation based on your objectives. It then gives you the data to show how you met these objectives. From here you can refine and redo your campaign or stop it altogether.

If your B2B hasn’t made use of this feature, we highly recommend that you start exploring it ASAP for your marketing. At least try it for one marketing campaign and then measure the results achieved. Speak to someone who understands B2B marketing  in depth to get more information.

2. Build Separate Campaigns for Different Personas on LinkedIn

Building separate campaigns for different personas allows B2B marketing to go broad in its targeting but also has a highly strategic approach for LinkedIn campaigns.

This way you don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach which is scattered and severely reduces the odds of your messaging being seen by the right people So, to create separate campaigns for different personas on LinkedIn consider the following:

  • Conduct target audience research studying both demographics and psychographics
  • Know exactly who you want to target in a business (these will be your personas)
  • Ensure you are targeting relevant decision makers in a business but also all of those that will influence that eventual decision (C-suite executives, CMOs, procurement team, etc)
  • Think and target in terms of seniority, function, industry, and company size
  • Personalize your message for each persona
  • Use the advanced search function on LinkedIn to help you find your personas
  • Study a company’s page on LinkedIn to get more information to help you with your campaigns
  • Subscribe and follow company’s news, events, alerts, etc on LinkedIn.

Doing separate campaigns requires much more work than if you were just creating one campaign and targeting everyone in a business with that one campaign. But by creating these separate campaigns B2B marketing on LinkedIn is more targeted and strategic and so allows you to get a higher ROI in the long-term.

3. Conduct A/B Testing for Your B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

In digital marketing, A/B testing also known as split testing is the process of presenting two versions of the same web page to different segments of website visitors at the same time and then seeing which version improves website conversions.

When it comes to your B2B marketing on LinkedIn you can A/B test different ways to target the same audience. You start with a broad audience, segment them into various personas to target, and then do the following:

  • Look carefully at the characteristics and behaviours of the personas engaging with your campaigns. What trends, insights, emerge? Put these to work in your B2B marketing.
  • Narrow down and define your target audience using one category like job titles for instance if a large proportion of your target audience have the same job titles.
  • Ensure any campaign you create allows the audience to engage with you in some way for better personalization and overall engagement.
  • Keep developing and refining your approaches to targeting on LinkedIn to stay ahead of the game.
  • Create surveys and polls at some stage of your targeting to directly ask your audience questions that will allow you to see their pain points, frustrations, desires, and needs.

Insider Tip – Conduct A/B testing for your B2B marketing at least every 3 to 6 months to get the best insights and most up-to-date data. From here you can determine whether you need to fine-tune and refine your marketing strategy or start completely afresh & commence an entirely new approach.

4.  Create High-Quality and High- Value Content on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful content publishing platform, so any effective B2B marketing must involve creating content on LinkedIn. But you need to be super strategic and only create high-quality content that adds value to your audience. It's not about you, it's about them.

Many brands still don’t fully understand this concept and create content on LinkedIn that’s just focused on them. They talk about all the great things that their company is doing. But this adds no value to their audience who want content that benefits them in some way. So, the chances of generating leads are quite slim.

To create content on Linkeldn that benefits your audience (adds ‘value to them’) it must meet the following criteria (best to do a combination of these):

  • Educational
  • Inspiring
  • Interesting
  • Entertaining
  • Relevant

By keeping these criteria in mind when creating content on LinkedIn you stand a much better chance of creating valuable content that will help generate leads. In addition, it will help establish your thought leadership on LinkedIn.

Audiences are turning to thought leaders to learn about topics, issues, trends, etc. So, positioning yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn is one of the best things you can do for your B2B.

5. Turn Your LinkedIn Company Page into a Lead Generation Machine

Leads don’t just magically appear. It would be great but, unfortunately, marketing doesn’t work that way. Having said this though, there can be times that leads do come to you without much work on your part, but you can’t just rely on this. For the most part, you need to be intentional and go after them.

One of the best ways to do this is to turn your company page into a lead-generation machine. You do this strategically by setting up your company page in a way that leads to a conversion action. This could be a click-through to your website or a registration to your webinar. Do this either through your recent updates or in the company description. Consider the following:

  • Use a good and relevant image that piques the audience’s interest
  • Have a compelling pitch in your company description that is more about how you help people rather than talking about yourself
  • Make your recent updates section clickable and conversion-focused
  • Create a showcase page for your company
  • Join and create LinkedIn groups and direct them back to your lead generation page along with sharing content with them: blogs, posts, videos, etc.

By implementing these five strategies you’ll be well on your way to mastering B2B marketing on LinkedIn and you'll hopefully see that B2B marketing doesn't need to be boring!


To further assist you with your B2B marketing or any other business goals like SEO Book a Time With our Team who will be more than happy to help.

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