How to Promote a White Paper

Donald Trump In The Oval Office Holding Up A White Paper With Next To Him Standing Up Is Mike Pence

A white paper is an important type of content for both B2B and B2C. Like any content, promotion is vital to get the reach. WORD EMPIRE® gives you here four strategic proven ways to promote your white paper for your business. These will massively amplify its reach!

What Exactly is a White Paper? & Why Brands Need One!

A white paper is simply an educational in-depth report or guide that presents a problem and provides a solution. It helps your readers with three aspects: understand an issue, solve an issue, and make a decision.  A white paper helps establish you as a credible resource for potential buyers of your product or service.

Creating a white paper for your industry is the first step and then promoting it is the second step. We understand it requires time and dedication so consider outsourcing it to content marketing experts who will produce a tailor-made white paper for your brand.

🔊Did you know? 75% of B2B and B2C buyers would share information about themselves and their business in exchange for a white paper. So, a white paper plays a vital role in lead generation & in establishing brand authority and leadership.

Follow The 80/20 Principle with Content

WORD EMPIRE® follows the 80/20 rule for content. That is 20% of your efforts should be on creating content and 80% should be on promoting it. It's easy to think it’s the other way around with 20% on promoting it and 80% on creating content.  But the reality is in a highly competitive and AI content -saturated world you must put huge effort into promoting your content.

Promotion equals amplification on a massive scale. So, keep the 80/20 rule in mind when creating content.

How to Promote a White Paper on a Website  

Your website is a powerful marketing tool and as such is excellent for promoting your white paper through the following ways.

Create a Well-Optimized Landing Page for your White Paper

A landing page on your website is a great way to capture leads in exchange for your white paper. Visitors are interested in what your brand has to offer, and so it's good to keep that interest going. What better way to do it than with a white paper. However, your landing page must be crafted well: SEO optimized, great enticing content, and easy to fill out transaction.

Download formalities should be simple, easy, and short. If you have a poor landing page your marketing efforts will go to waste and your efforts in getting traction for your white paper will be in vain.

Write a Blog About Your White Paper

Writing a blog about your white paper is a great way to promote it. However, you don’t want to put all the information on the blog. Rather just give a teaser by providing key ideas and a selection of excerpts from your white paper.

Your readers should get a preview that entices them to download your white paper. Don’t forget to repurpose your blog posts into other forms of content: infographics, social media posts, website pages, etc to further amplify their reach.

Use Web Banners for your White Paper

Place an ad or widget on your website, on the bottom, on the sidebar of blog posts, on other pages mentioning your white paper. This way visitors who might have come to your website for the first time through a search engine or through your social media accounts will be reached.

How to Promote a White Paper on Email

Email marketing remains to date one of the most important forms of marketing with a high ROI, so you want to use it to promote your white paper.


Generate interest in your white paper by including a preview snippet in your email newsletter.

Email Signature

Link directly to your white paper from your email signature instead of including a link to your website’s homepage or include both if it doesn’t look too cluttered.

Send Emails to Your Target List

Sending emails to your prospective clients, existing customers, partners, and even colleagues is a great way to promote your white paper. These contacts will be interested in your white paper given they are already vested in your brand and what you have to offer.

How to Promote a White Paper on Social Media

Social media is like a giant online billboard with the potential to reach millions of people, so naturally makes a fantastic contender for promoting your white paper.

Scheduled Posts

Your social media accounts like LinkedIn and Facebook are great for promoting your white paper.  Choose just a few social networks to promote your white paper on. Schedule your posts by creating a series of them that help generate interest in your white paper.

Industry Groups

After you’ve built up engagement in social media groups offer up your white paper. LinkedIn groups are especially good for the B2B space and Facebook groups are good for the B2C space.

How to Promote a White Paper with Partnerships

Partnerships that are strategic and relevant can do wonders for promoting your white paper and brand in general.

Podcast Guest

Be a guest on a podcast to build brand awareness and promote your white paper to a wider audience.

Third- Party Partnerships

These collaborations which can take several forms like partnering up with influencers, industry experts, media sponsorships including local press coverage help amplify your reach and credibility.

Hire Content Experts

Content marketing is ‘Emperor’ of marketing these days and what better way to help promote your white paper than by working closely with content marketing experts that have the know-how and so will create a white paper tailored to your business. 

Extras in Promoting a White Paper!

We wanted to throw in these couple of extras on how to promote your whitepaper. We think you’ll like them and hopefully use them to help promote your white paper.

White Paper Submission Sites

There are a number of whitepaper submission sites like Online Whitepapers, That White Paper Guy and Tech Target where you can promote your white paper. Most of these are FREE too!


Given the popularity of video content, why not consider making a video based on some information from your white paper and then upload the video to your website, YouTube channel, etc.

Online and In- Person Events

Promote your white paper at both online events like webinars, team meetings, etc as well as in- person events like trade shows, exhibitions, meet- ups, etc.

To succeed with your white paper, you must promote it well. It's not always easy especially when you have so much to do as a business.  WORD EMPIRE® is here to help. Book a Time Today to Speak to Us & let’s start promoting your white paper. We can also write one up for you.

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