Six Awesome Marketing Ideas For 2024

Young Woman Shouting 6 Awesome Marketing Ideas For 2024

As a business in today’s world, you need to adapt and stay ahead of the curve to stay relevant as a business. Marketing is a crucial part of your business, which drives growth and revenue so you need to stay on top of it. 

In- Person Events and Live Events

As the world reopened after COVID, people are naturally getting out and about again. Humans are social creatures so crave interaction with others. As much as online events have been great and have made connecting with each other easier, people still want to interact in person.

It’s fair to say that there will be a mix of live and online events. Hybrid events are here to stay for the most part. But when it comes to marketing your business in 2024, you don’t want to miss out on in person events and live events. These are prime real estate for showcasing your brand. Consider the following:

  • Industry events
  • Tradeshows
  • Networking events
  • Speaking engagements
  • Festivals
  • Premium events – air shows, motorsport, etc
  • Colleges and higher education-related events
  • National holiday events

Pro tip:  ask your bank if they are sponsoring any business events. Banks often sponsor and even host various business-related events like the CommBank Small Business Expo. 

Content will Be Emperor ,not Just King

In 2024 content is only going to get bigger and better. Pretty much every brand on earth has invested in some of content as they recognise its importance to grow their brand and business.  Back in 1995,  Bill Gates coined the phrase “Content is king.” Fast forward to 2024 and beyond and we believe Content will be Emperor.

Content is growing exponentially in this digital age. There is just so much demand for it. It’s not going to stop anytime soon. Through content you can position your brand as a thought leader and influencer in your space which helps build credibility and trust.

To do this well you do need to implement a content marketing strategy for your brand. You’ll find that the definition of content just keeps expanding as now it includes so many different types like:

  • Podcasts
  • Online courses
  • Webinars
  • Images (are evolving into a form of content)
  • Memes
  • Infographics
  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • And so much

Pro tip:  Mix and match your brand’s content to appeal to different consumption tastes and measure its progress regularly to see what works and what doesn’t.

Shift in Brand Messaging

In this Post COVID AI world brands must be more empathic and human than ever. Remember business is all about relationships. You constantly need to build and strengthen relationships. That human touch must be embedded at every touch point not just when you are having coffee with a prospective client.

So as a brand, you need to step up and step into empathy, understanding, and exceptional customer service. Customers want this and now expect it from brands (both B2B & B2C. So, if you’re not doing it, you’re losing out to the competition. Implement the following ideas:

  • Adjust your brand’s messaging to be more empathic & caring
  • Reinforce your brand’s values and what you stand for through storytelling
  • Align your brand with a charity or worthy cause  
  • Focus on diversity and inclusion & ensure these show up in your messaging

Pro tip:  run a 21- day challenge for your clients where by taking a particular action each day they get to support a worthy cause or community initiative.

Return to the Good Old Days with Nostalgia Marketing

This might seem out of place but given how fast the rate of change is in the digital age consumers yearn to go back to the good old days. People naturally have an attachment to the days of their youth when the world was less complicated, and change was much slower.

This is where nostalgia marketing comes in handy. As a brand, you can take your customers both your existing and new ones back to the past with some good old nostalgia marketing. This doesn’t mean you discard digital marketing and go back to the days of the typewriter.

Rather it's about evoking feelings of nostalgia in your customers through your marketing. Remember humans are emotional creatures and most purchases and business interactions happen through emotion, not logic! Ignite feelings of nostalgia through the following:

  • Use traditional media like radio, television, and print material
  • Add snippets of nostalgia to your social media (old photos, memories, anniversaries, etc)
  • Giving customers that good old-fashioned customer service that’s often lacking today

Pro tip: Incorporate some retro movie and television story- lines into your marketing.

Mobile Phone Marketing

Mobile marketing is going to get bigger and bigger as more audiences turn to their phones to access information. It’s estimated that over 80% of website visits come from mobile devices. Google has placed mobile indexing above desktop indexing.

This means websites are now indexed and ranked first on mobile optimization. Previously they were indexed and ranked on desktop optimization. So, when it comes to your brand and marketing you want to invest in mobile marketing. Implement the following ideas:

  • Send customers text messages (brand updates, alerts, reminders, etc). Don’t overdo it or you’ll come across as spammy!
  • Tailor an offer to a specific geographic location
  • Send customers (your best ones) a happy birthday via SMS

Pro tip:  Send your customers a quick 3-4 second survey or questionnaire about your brand via SMS.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Marketers realise the huge potential in both virtual reality and augmented reality for brands. These technologies can be used to craft content, messages, and experiences that help engage customers and encourage conversions in new and interesting dynamic ways. Along with AI, virtual reality and augmented reality will play a big role in marketing and content development in 2024 and beyond.

Customers want brands to deliver amazing experiences that engage them. This is what having ‘raving fans’ is all about. Virtual reality and augmented reality allow you to deliver amazing experiences through ideas like:

  • The use of storytelling in 2D and 3D content formats
  • Incorporating video games in your brand messaging
  • Taking your audience on a virtual tour of your company, country, local area, etc
  • Using mobile apps instead of headsets to connect with audiences

Pro tip:  Start thinking of a highly interactive experience you can give your audience in 2024.  

Marketing is evolving to meet the changing needs and wants of customers. Change is rapid and super-fast. You don’t want to get left behind as a brand. Book a Time with WORD EMPIRE® who will ensure you don’t get left behind by giving you world-class ideas to grow your brand.

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